


音樂劇劇目為《理想之都》。故事講述本校為慶祝校慶,特別邀請了校內部分同學代表參加名為「理想之都親善之旅」的時光旅行。誰知,這旅程的計劃統籌者──DR. PAK(白博士)卻策劃了時光機「機器失靈」的事故,讓參加者被迫流落到不同的時代裏。眾人在是次「意外」中,與不同時代的人和事經歷和體驗了各種新奇的事情……


想知道他們有甚麼經驗及得著,請留意eClass Parents App發放的直播連結,一同支持、欣賞同學的演出,萬勿錯過!



To celebrate our 70th Platinum Anniversary, we have organised a biliterate and trilingual musical performance. Our talented little actors and actresses have been practising hard for almost a year for the show, which will be presented on stage this Saturday (17/7), at 2:30p.m..  


The story “Ideal City” begins with a group of primary students who are invited to participate in a time travelling programme, the "Ideal City Journey", and Dr. Pak, the coordinator deliberately programmed the "Time Machine" so that the participants are stranded in different places at different points in time… 


It’s a show which you don't want to miss!  Stay tuned as we’ll send out eClass Parents App messages for the live link soon!  Let’s watch and support the show together!